There's room to grow: Positive Technologies has good plans to scale its business

There's room to grow: Positive Technologies has good plans to scale its business
Photo by Hello I'm Nik / Unsplash

Maxim Pustovoy, the company's managing director, when asked by the InvestFuture team about the growth of sales at a time when most of the revenue comes from large businesses, explained why the company plans to increase sales volumes.

First, there are still many companies on the market that spend little on cybersecurity. Also, in 2024 a ban on the use of Western software by Russian companies will come into force. Due to this, an inflow of customers is expected. And the question of development of sales to small and medium business was left without attention.

Secondly, the scaling of business is possible at the expense of the existing client base. According to Pustovoy, Pozitiv's clients use only 3 products out of 16. This does not cover the entire infrastructure of large companies, which means that demand for the periphery will grow over the years.

Important: The company is trying to cover holdings. The purchase of products by the parent company counts as +1 new customer. Each "subsidiary" is a new customer. The strategy of #POSI itself is aimed at big business.